world community grid

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Dual symbolism perpetuated initiates through tradition.Scores of years of study and thus great assimilation of functioning ideas.Just as thus a contracting force pounding through walls of understanding its precepts.Like as thus great teachers rest in crypts like that of ancient Egypt.Like Osiris personified himself and pertaining merely to the great Nile.And thus let us not forget Isis.Like a myth crust of trapped history mummified forever from beginning to end.Priceless monuments fables that instill in it a memory of those symbols in our heart.Ruins tombs of dust and ash like a partnership of those that have been taught by the assimilation with brilliant favor.Even after thus the guild of ancient Europe like a code thus unbroken lives initiate themselves to overlook the truths of these very organizations.And just thus they have like angels uphold this guild with ethical symbolism.Just like a temple in which materials of hence come forth a truth.Like Jesus mystery schools.I lest I forge like that of a rite a higher degree strictly not to be a Jesuit or otherwise undermine or self proclaim on untruth through these great principals.Just like as thus the greatest threat to Freemasonry is the self proclaimed mason.It forms an unclean union in which destroys Freemasonry.Just like a hierarchy integrity doubt from superiors through unsatisfactory efforts to proclaim.It is exceedingly difficult and very complicated for these principals to go unchanged through hundreds of years.As a special union.Just like a union of a mystery becomes a philosophical birth and participation in its rites.Figuratively at least those that are accepted as its masters.They are offspring of its word.And enter thus this eternal quest.Just like Jesus of Nazareth trip to Emmaus.By Becoming are introduced to the gate of the Gods.Perhaps the roses from the crosses of the Brotherhoods of the Rosicrucian.And the Victorious Crowns of the knights Templars an thus the great lilies of the Illuminati.Like thus transcend in wisdom to the untouched.And perhaps become great fables of truth.

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